  ·柔媚的嗓音 柔美的歌曲

Sarah Brightman对于我们大多数人来说可能是个陌生的名字,(***近不是来中国开个唱了吗?大家应该知道了吧)但如果你看过94年巴赛罗那奥运会MTV的话,相信你一定记得那位与卡雷拉斯对唱的女声,她迷人的嗓音让人过耳难忘,此人就是来自英国的女歌手Sarah Brightman。 莎拉在欧美已走红多年,她主演的那些音乐剧,诸如《歌剧魅影》 、《猫》 、《歌与舞》的主题曲和剧中的歌曲不径而走,广为传唱,莎拉也被誉为“歌舞剧皇后”。但国内乐迷结识莎拉只是近一两年的事,因为莎拉的唱片进入国内市场的极少, 目前能见到的有《Time to say goodbye》 、《Eden》 、《莎拉·布莱曼演唱的韦伯音乐剧金曲》 、《The trees they grow so high》。 一般来说歌星或歌唱家都能根据其发声方法将其归入相应的演唱类别 ,或美声 ,或通俗。但莎拉·布莱曼是个例外,你很难将其归入到某一种唱法之中,因为她既能唱美声也能唱流行歌曲,而且这两种唱法听来都很有魅力,因此喜爱她的歌的各种各样的人都有。可以说莎拉·布莱曼跨越了流行与古典为雅俗所共赏。 

[2005年 7月4日 17 : 33]      评论:[1] | 浏览:[2471]
    Look around wonder why
we can live a life that's never satisfied
Lonely hearts troubled minds
looking for a way that we can never find
Many roads are ahead of us
with choices to be made
But life's just one of the
games we play
There is nospecial way
Make the best of what's given you
everything will come in time
why deny yourself
don't just let life pass you by
like winter in July

Future dreams can never last
when you find yourself still living in the past
Keep moving on to higher ground
looking for the way you thought could not be found
We may not know the reason why
we're born into this world
where a man only lives to die
his story left untold
Make the best of what's given you
everything will come in time
why deny yourself
don't just let life pass you by
like winter in July

And we may not know the reason why
we're born into this world
where a man only lives to die
his story left untold
Make the best of what's given you
everything will come in time
why deny yourself
don't just let life pass you by
like winter in July

    双面人 | 2005年 7月4日 17 : 36

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