·终于辞职 |
台资企业,我想以后我不会再进了。以前只听过,说台资企业很压迫下属,很扣门,很没有人性,但是没有体会过。这份工作,到现在也已经有两年了。两年里,见到很多,也体会到很多。两万人的企业,年出口总值也就大概两亿美金。本来是技术含量的产业,这么一算就又变成了是劳动力占优势的产业。也明白了,这个两万人企业光鲜亮丽的外表是由那么多不公平待遇等等堆积而成。 在这里两年,自公司06年年底上市之后,员工的待遇一年不如一年的。公司本省存在那么多的问题,都没能好好的解决就急着上市。上市之后所有的问题都被暴露出来后,但是却一直都没有找到好的解决方法。其实这些问题,老板心里很明白症结所在,老板不相信别人还有脾气很臭,出一点小问题就骂人打人。久而久之,下面的人就不在对老板说实话,因为没有人敢说。 在这种氛围下工作了十几年之后,便造成了现在的问题等等。算了,没什么好说的了,反正要离开了。 离开后,好好休息一阵子,然后重新出发。:)
[2008年 6月29日 22 : 25]
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we sell slimming belt and massage cushion
Shenzhen SC Electronics Co.,Ltd is one of the branch office of Zerone International Co.,ltd which specializing in developing, manufacturing and healthcare products, Such as Slimming *域名隐藏* e Cushion,Hammer Massager,Foot Massager .Plastics Moulds,GSM Mobiles. Since the establishment of the company, we've always believed in mutual benefit, trust and honor. Our principle is to creat famous brand effect and provide famous brand *域名隐藏* Products have been exported to South east,Japan, France, Australia, America,Europe and so on. Now our company has the following leading products:
*域名隐藏* c Moulds and GSM Mobile *域名隐藏* Vibrating slimming belt,Air pressure slimming belt,Wireless Spiral slimming belt *域名隐藏* e series: Shiatsu Massage Cushion,Hammer massager ,Foot Massager,Eyes Massager etc. *域名隐藏* products : Dual Sim card and Dual Standby GSM Mobiles,C*** moiblesHealthcare series: Air Pressure spiral Slimming belt,.Shiatsu Massage Cushion,Remote Control Spiral Slimming *域名隐藏* gift series
Factory Add:Building B,No.9,East Area of Shangxue Sci.& *域名隐藏* ry Park,
Buji Town,LongGang *域名隐藏* en ,GuangDong,P.R.C
Tel: 86-755-33619012 MB: 86-13684945078
website: www(dot)topsc(dot)com(dot)cn Email: topscco@126(dot)com sales@topsc(dot)com(dot)cn
Skype: topsc0915 MSN: *域名隐藏* @hotmail(dot)com Yahoo:topscco@yahoo(dot)com(dot)cn
slimming belt,massage cushion
Shenzhen SC Electronics Co.,Ltd is a branch office of Zerone International Co.,ltd which specializing in developing, manufacturing and marketing healthcare products, Such as Slimming *域名隐藏* e Cushion,Hammer Massager,Foot Massager .Plastics Moulds,GSM Mobiles. Since the establishment of the company, we've always believed in mutual benefit, trust and honor. Our principle is to creat famous brand effect and provide famous brand *域名隐藏* Products have been exported to South east,Japan, France, Australia, America,Europe and so on. Now our company has the following leading products:
*域名隐藏* c Moulds and GSM Mobile *域名隐藏* Vibrating slimming belt,Air pressure slimming belt,Massage belt *域名隐藏* e series: massage cushion, Shiatsu Massage Cushion,Hammer massager ,Foot Massager,Eyes Massager etc. *域名隐藏* products : MOB-01, *域名隐藏* -15 series Mobiles, Healthcare series: Air Pressure spiral Slimming belt,.Shiatsu Massage Cushion,Remote Control Spiral Slimming *域名隐藏* pressure kits and so on
http: www(dot)topsc(dot)com(dot)cn Tel:86-13684945078 Email: sales@topsc(dot)com(dot)cn topscco@126(dot)com Skype: topsc0915 MSN: *域名隐藏* @hotmail(dot)com Yahoo: topscco@yahoo(dot)com(dot)cn
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welcome back to the jungle of the life. It is better than the desert with only sand and oil.