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由于我的MSN人员已经满了,所以,暂时加不上人,请各位见谅!!! 可以发邮件到我的邮箱里:chinawood2008@yahoo(dot)com 本文章2006-04-07 13:47:15由yangfanzhe进行编辑!!
[2006年 4月7日 13 : 47]
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Build up the business relationship
We are a world-famous manufacturer and exporter of s***g machine parts,CNC machine parts and kinds of precision parts, We are specialized in CNC processing, casting, lathe and stamping,milling,drilling , turning , grinding etc and can be made according to your drawings or samples. . Please make sure that you can get the products with high quality and competitive price and services from us. If you need any assistance pls freely contact us。
我是山东临沂的,从事胶合板,覆膜板,细木工板的出口,有感兴趣的朋友,欢迎加我,MSN:mghmyuer@hotmail(dot)com SKYPE:mghmyuer
各位好! 我是青岛物流公司的,希望与各位交流合作。承盼与您交谈。
各位好! 我是青岛物流公司的,希望与各位交流合作。承盼与您交谈。
江苏苏迈克斯国际货运有限公司是江苏舜天国际集团机械进出口股份有限公司下属的一级货运代理。我们江苏苏迈克斯国际货运有限公司苏州工业园区分公司坐落于苏州工业园区金鸡湖路与星湖街交汇处--加城大厦,公司设有报关部,坐落于苏州工业园区海关大楼310室。我公司可为贵公司提供国际航空快递业务;海运,空运进出口货物的国际运输代理业务,包括揽货,订舱,仓储,中转,集装箱拼装拆箱,报关,报验,保险,短途运输及咨询服务。我们苏州工业园区分公司主要代理三资企业及苏州市各大专业外贸公司在各口岸进出口运输业务(包括海运,空运,海空联运)。我司在进出口报关,订舱,储运方面有很强的实力,并配备车队,随时可以为客户提供提货送货服务。目前,我公司基本客户已经达到100多家。如:国际著名公司“飞利浦 (Philips)”“林德(Linde)”“日东电工(Nitto Denko)”“霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)”“纳贝斯克食品(Nabisco Food)”“中核苏阀(Sufa)”“华佗医疗”“雅马哈电子(Yamaha)”“爱普电器(EUP)”“牛尾电机(Ushio)”等,还有苏州各大外贸公司,如:江苏苏豪,江苏舜天,恒润,恒良、恒祥,恒生,恒瑞,恒元,开元等。我们每月的货量:标箱2000TEU左右,拼箱800M3左右,空运50T左右。 我公司以客户为先,想客户所想,急客户所急,竭尽全力为客户提供优质服务,获得了客户的广泛好评和支持。我们本着客户至上信誉***的宗旨和开拓创新的精神,将继续努力为广大客户朋友提供优质便捷的服务。 我公司可为贵公司提供国际航空快递业务;海运,空运进出口货物的国际运输代理业务,包括揽货,订舱,仓储,中转,集装箱拼装拆箱,报关,报检,保险,短途运输及咨询服务。热忱欢迎您来电垂询。 TEL:0512-67625868---111 M:13771923168 周先生 MSN:zchcg@hotmail(dot)com
I want to meet some friends that we can chat,and improve my English *域名隐藏* e.
shock absorber
Hello,I am a sales *域名隐藏* produce auto parts for *域名隐藏* anyone need *域名隐藏* contact *域名隐藏* . msn: Thinking96@hotmail(dot)com
泰达保税仓为现代加工制造业提供与国际接轨的现代化物流服务,专注为客户提供包括合同物流、国际物流、金融物流、期货交割库、文件托管、仓库托管、海铁联运、货运代理、关务代理等综合服务在内的一站式整体物流服务。多种形式的仓储功能(进口保税、出口监管、普通仓储)、国际及国内运输、分拨配送、集中办理海关查验、商品三检、进出口代理、保税维修、租赁贸易、商品寄售、商品展览展示。 我公司采用全球***的仓库信息管理系统SSA-Exceed,可满足各行业客户现在与未来的全部库存管理要求。 我公司占地面积近30万平方米,是开发区***的物流***。公司拥有高、中、低档仓库近30000平方米、堆场220000平方米,能够满足不同物品和不同客户的仓储需求。
天津开发区泰达公共保税仓有限公司 地址:天津市开发区渤海路39号 邮编:300457 电话:86-22-62008113/8112/8111 传真:86-22-62008100 业务联系人:王欣培先生 E-mail:wxptc@sina(dot)com http:// *域名隐藏* (dot)cn
TBW provides modern logistics services which are on line with international practice to modern process industry. She intently provides clients with one-stop comprehensive logistics service including contract logistics, international logistics, finance logistics, futures transaction warehousing, document trusteeship, warehousing trusteeship, sea-rail transport, customs clearance agent etc. Various warehousing functions (import bonded, export supervision, ordinary warehousing), international and internal transportation, batch distribution, dealing with Customs inspection intently, three inspections for goods, act on behalf of clients for import & export, bonded maintenance, leasehold trade, consignment sales, goods exhibition. With SSA-Exceed, the most advanced warehouse information managing system in the world, TBW can meet all the current and future warehousing requirement for every industry. With the area of about 300,000 m2, TBW is the biggest logistics base at TEDA. With about 30,000 m2 of top-grade, mid-grade and low-end warehouses and 220,000 m2 of yard, TBW can meet with warehousing demand of different cargoes. TIANJIN TEDA BONDED WAREHOUSE LTD Address:No.39
make friends
make friends
msn: *域名隐藏* @hotmail(dot)com
motorcycle parts exporter
Hello,I am a sales *域名隐藏* produce motorcycle parts for *域名隐藏* anyone need *域名隐藏* contact *域名隐藏* . msn: zjzjwowowo@163(dot)com
supplying game accessories
Shenzhen KEENTOP Electronic Co., Ltd specialize in game accessories' development, production, marketing since it established in 2004, We have achieved ISO9001: 2000 quality management system certification and administering the system strictly. We insist e-commerce as our development guideline, and has become a prominent enterprises in game accessories Keentop is located in HuangMaBu industrial district, XiXiang, BaoAn, Shenzhen, factory area up to 7000 square meters, and the number of employees more than 400 people, which senior technical staff accounted for 30%.under the efforts of high-quality international sales team, 90% products of the company export to Europe and American markets. International leading company like Sony, ITS, NEC , etc. are our long-relationship partner. they Unanimously fully confirmed the quality of our products. The factory now has all modern production line, advanced injection molding machine and the matching production equipment, could undertake various TV games peripheral development and production. Now the main business products include : XBOX360,PS2,PS3,PSP,GBM,IPOD,NDS (Lite) ,WII accessories ,GAMECUBE, PC USB controller and related repairable parts We got very vary wide range of products in competitve price, prompt delivery,excellent quality.I am very confident that we will have excellent cooperation. Please not hesitate to contact me if you interested in.
George Shenzhen Keentop Electronic Co.,Ltd Address:Block 15,2nd IndustrialDistrict,HuangMaBu, XiXiang,BaoAn,ShenZhen, China Tel: 86-755-81469945-818 Fax: 86-755-29914741 E-MAIL: george20032@gmail(dot)com Mobile Tel:86-13714864231 MSN: georgegame2gate@hotmail(dot)com Skype: George_032 Website: http://keentop(dot)cn/index. http://keentop(dot)cn/ http://pc-keentop(dot)com/ http://www(dot)cngame2gate(dot)com/zh-CN/ *域名隐藏*
MSN:panhy147@hotmail(dot)com QQ:197321695 电话:0574-87852044 手机:13884463054 网站:www(dot)nbyhl(dot)com(dot)cn 望大家光临我们网站,和小潘联系啊.也可以发邮件给小潘,小潘在这里为你们忠诚服务.......
我MSN : *域名隐藏* .2007@hotmail(dot)com QQ: 554773687 公司网站:www(dot)nbedh(dot)com 欢迎大家光顾,
我MSN : *域名隐藏* .2007@hotmail(dot)com QQ: 554773687 公司网站:www(dot)nbedh(dot)com 欢迎大家光顾,
我MSN : *域名隐藏* l(dot)com QQ: 554773687 公司网站:www(dot)nbedh(dot)com 欢迎大家光顾,
大家好!我们公司是一家专业的户外运动品制造商:主营产品:登山扣,登山杖,开瓶器,LED手电筒,滑雪鞋,口哨等,望大家来光顾我们公司.... www(dot)nbedh(dot)com
大家好!有要HAMBURG-SUD的船请与我联系,***价格***,服务***,在任何时候都有舱位. msn;tw51585158@hotmail(dot)com 电话.13601720555
各位论坛物流朋友大家好,我是北京航空货运--泽润物流,专做阿联酋,中东,中非等航空运输,以及鲜活品和危险品的运输,如您需要,很高兴为您服务.大家一起交流和学习物流知识,商务英语! Add me: Mail/Msn:ashley-dong@hotmail(dot)com Tel:010-64586389,010-64581272-807 Fax:010-64576302 Keep in touch!
South Pcific Ports Shipping
Contech Int'l freight agencies ltd. expert in handling shipping ex China main ports to south pacific islands ports.
need friend
I am Fish,a student in jiangxi.I want to make friends with you.
敝公司專業承作各類橡膠制品.如:硅橡膠遙控器按鍵,鼠標鍵盤腳墊,機器密封圈油封,手機,MP3,MP4護套.醫療器材,衛生廚具,汽車與電腦配件等... 歡迎有需求的朋友前來咨詢,訂購... 當然沒有需求的朋友也歡迎您來咨詢,我們會專業解答您的疑問...
偶的電話是0769-88716119 msn: *域名隐藏* @hotmail(dot)com
我是鲁丽集团的,从事木制品出口,有感兴趣的朋友,欢迎加我,MSN:cuibaoxia@gmail(dot)com SKYPE:baoercui
hello !nice to meet you !
本人是做外贸业务,NIKE jordan 等 http:// *域名隐藏* .163(dot)com/ msn:linguanglian@sina(dot)com qq:278573297
水暖洁具工厂出口部业务员. msn:leonardo-zj@hotmail(dot)com waiting for you, my friends
Looking forward to hearing from you soon !
TO My Dear Friends! This is Jack Rong, come from south part of China .I’m is working in a foreign owned company for foreign sales in Shenzhen now. Our lives become colorful and full of magic because of your attentions, I’m fond of making friends that form every walk of life. It broadens my minds and makes me learn more characteristics from them,and me more confident and open-minded. I do feel the great love of friendship, every time when I come down; the encouragement and comfort come from my dear friends. “Just do it now, show your best to the world, you can make it!” So the strength is full of my mind that helping me goes though the rainy days.
I like sharing some good ideas and gifts with my friend; it is out of love that helping them going though the rainy days and sweet moments with them. Let’s value our friendship and keeping the wonderful memory forever!
Just keep trying your best and showing your best to the world, just do it now! Let's hand in hand walking on the Road of success to make our dreams come true!
Looking forward to hearing from you soon and being your good friend! Thanks and best wishes! Your Friend, Jack Rong
我是做摩托车出口的,喜欢交朋友。 I'm work for motorcycle manufactory. to export motorcycle and assy. wish make friend with you.
I'm spring from Anji haomei office furniture factory from *域名隐藏* take this opportunity to write to you with a view to set up friend business relation with *域名隐藏* company is a professional manufacturer of various office and relax chairs and also an approved export enterprise-this dose not only mean cost effectiveness,but also more responsiveness and considerate care to our *域名隐藏* will be very happy to informyou a quotation for your detailed requirements. We are looking forward to receiving your enquiry *域名隐藏* you have any question and you want to know the more information of the chairs,please look through our website,and please contact with *域名隐藏* you for your time!
Thanks and best regards!
Sincerely yours.
Anji Haomei Office furniture Factory Xiashan Industrial Zone, Anji County,Zhejiang Province,china Fax:+86-572-5018385 Email:sales08@hmchairs(dot)com MSN:sales08@hmchairs(dot)com weblink:http://www(dot)hmchairs(dot)comcar
我在汽车行业混,是质量工程师,喜欢交朋友.请联系我MSN: *域名隐藏* @hotmail(dot)com
我是做板材贸易的, 希望结实更多朋友.
现我司大力向大家推出中港吨车、中港拖车项目,请大家多多支持 中港吨车(进/出口):东莞-香港、深圳-香港、惠州-香港 代香港交仓、卸货/提货、租仓、危险品 中港拖车(进/出口):东莞-香港、深圳-香港、惠州-香港 香港租柜、预提柜、普通柜、冷冻柜 中港其他业务:***香港报关、***香港许可证、***香港转口证、代做香港薰蒸等。 有单量者单价从惠!谢谢大家!
提供LED光电子元件:高亮度红、绿、蓝、白、七彩灯、全彩、贴片灯SMD、食人鱼、7彩食人鱼、大功率、发光二极管。欢迎各界朋友来电来函垂询! 欧阳 电话13590306398 我在深圳工作,希望能认识更多的朋友!!! 有空可以加我聊聊QQ286981253
宁波旺嘉货代 在你需要的时候,我会伸出温暖的手,共同度过美好时光! MSN:salimi-88@hotmail(dot)com e-mail:zhusuyun2005@163(dot)com
我是兆丰船务集运有限公司在北京办事处,专业代理北京天津到深圳香港整车零担,及进出口报关报检订舱业务.希望可以交到做物流这方面的朋友.(若在天津有做集装箱运输业务的朋友请联系我,有大把货走!QQ32841201 13621294383)
Sonicwall/Fortinet防火墙中国区分销中心-龙维网安www(dot)chinafirewall(dot)com(dot)cn 马金武:0755-88312226 13352930911
我的MSN是:shark8866@hotmail(dot)com QQ:20389551 深圳的.谢谢大家关照
Hi! Nice to meet u. I'm kolly. I am Chinese,and I am working in DONG GUAN city of *域名隐藏* company mostly produce plastic pack bag.I wish to make friends with you, exchange informations and help each other. :)
播下一种心态,收获一种观念; 播下一种观念,收获一种行为; 播下一种行为,收获一种习惯; 播下一种习惯,收获一种人格; 播下一种人格,收获一种命运。
感激伤害你的人,因为他磨练了你的心态 感激绊倒你的人,因为他强化了你的双腿 感激欺骗你的人,因为他增进了你的智慧 感激蔑视你的人,因为他觉醒了你的自尊
make friends
dear all, I am ricky, working in logistics co.,in shenzhen,I want to make friends with you here, I hope that I can improve my english!
喜欢交际、热爱策划、希望认识更多的朋友! 恭祝:贵公司生意兴隆、万事如意、心想事成!年年发! 每年春秋两届广交会寻求联营合参加企业!
广交会-友!的地方,参加广交会交流经验、信息的好地方!请点击 http://www(dot)imqun(dot)com/quns/2307 访问本群的主页、论坛。欢迎加入本群!
iam *域名隐藏* to meet you!working in Guangzhou in the automobile accessories *域名隐藏* make friends with you.
天下无神 徐鹤洋 鄙人徐鹤洋,祖籍河北人,与共和国同年诞生。不知是偶然的巧合,还是上天赋予了鹤洋一种什么使命,反正共和国一诞生也同时诞生了一个徐鹤洋。 鄙人不是自幼好易,也不是门里出身。小时候偶见谈命看相者,我们叫他算卦的,根本不屑一顾,跟一帮孩子该怎么玩还怎么玩。算卦的或许看出了什么门道,说要送我一卦,那么多孩子为什么单送我一卦,我不去。这就是我自幼对易学的根基。 大概是91年吧,从石家庄去唐山采访的列车上,一个偶然的机会,得到一本后排座位上看了几眼就不再看了的姓名学书。大概是日本人著的,我借过来看了几页。当时连五行生克都不懂的徐鹤洋,居然咋么出了一点味道。缘分啊!也居然对这方面的书籍产生了兴趣,也居然一发而不可收,也居然辞掉了十分优越的工作,研究起了易经。 除姓名学外,还读了《三命通会》、《渊海子平》、《滴天髓》、《金锁玉关》以及近代易学者所著的林林总总的巨著等等等等,不一而足。好象一头饥饿的野驴一下子闯进了青草地。后来才听老人们说驴具龙性。具不具龙性我也无心深究,反正还是穷读杂览。 功夫不负苦心人,在杂乱无章众说纷纭的易海里,还真的找到了航标灯。自以为“是”的理论未必真“是”,拿来一试不就知“是”与不“是”了吗?一试还真“是”。鹤洋咬着嘴唇窃喜!年复一年,日复一日,真是学海无涯苦作舟啊!由不知如何下手,到知道了怎样下手;由测事不准到测事极准;由默默无闻到在地方上名声鹊起;由心急火燎地等着接客到不远千里的客户纷纷登门,真有一种名妓的感觉。还在天津、北京及家乡办起了三个预测公司。 坏了,有朋友呼悠我建网站了,说要向***宣传。这当然不是坏事,不做良相,便做良医吗。医源于易,做良易者也是人生一大快事。于是,我也开始浏览易经网站了。更坏了,我的妈呀!打开电脑,乌呀呀一片,全是宣传易经和大师的网页。 有易圣、有易神、有易仙、有至尊、有泰斗等等等等,就差有祖宗了。我再上去凑热闹,咱算什么东西呢?我翻遍了辞海,也没有找到一个能超越前人的词汇。后又借了一本英文词典,费尽心机,还是没找到,叫什么呢?有易神,我也不能叫易鬼呀,有至尊,我也不能叫瘪三吧?真把我难住了。 说实在的,咱也读过大学,读得还不错,还是初中毕业考上的大学。一不小心还读了两所。也有人说我是奇才、怪才等等。老大不小的了,如果听不出人家恭维咱,那不成傻子了? 我真想退却不上了,可朋友和客户不干。要强赶鸭子上架,要强按犄角喝水,逼得咱只能再从其它角度考虑了。 打开网站
Hello!everyoue!I'm Amanda.I'm working ningbo!Our company specializes in developing manufacturing and selling "Shunjie"brand computerized automatic body-cleaning toilet seatI’am anew in foreign trade this line,Ihope that we will be friends and learn from each other .
hi friends
hi,everybody,i am new comer and working in the used car company at ShenZhen NanShan. so glad make fds with u,if u feel free pls contact me .
hello !nice to meet you !
销售安装维修: 1、 普通船用设备:雷达、单边带、高频、GPS、测深仪、计程仪、电罗经、自动舵、气象传真机、船用广播系统、M站,销售各类船用消防救生设备,各种天线、电源、电缆、船用设备用纸及各种物料供应。 2、 GMDSS设备:SSB+DSC+NBDP、VHF+DSC、B站、C站、F站、AIS、安保系统、示位标、雷达应答器、双向无线电话、NAVTEX及各种电池、释放器。 其他项目:船用设备年检、示位标输码、VHF输码、MF/HF输码,***B站、C站、F站、安保系统等设备的开通入网。
hello !nice to meet you !
销售安装维修: 1、 普通船用设备:雷达、单边带、高频、GPS、测深仪、计程仪、电罗经、自动舵、气象传真机、船用广播系统、M站,销售各类船用消防救生设备,各种天线、电源、电缆、船用设备用纸及各种物料供应。 2、 GMDSS设备:SSB+DSC+NBDP、VHF+DSC、B站、C站、F站、AIS、安保系统、示位标、雷达应答器、双向无线电话、NAVTEX及各种电池、释放器。 其他项目:船用设备年检、示位标输码、VHF输码、MF/HF输码,***B站、C站、F站、安保系统等设备的开通入网。
Make friends
Hi! Nice to meet u. I'm jackie. I am Chinese,and I am working in DONG GUAN city of China.I wish to make friends with you, exchange informations and help each other. :)
Hi, everybody! i am kary working in a pharmaceutica corporation. i want to make friends and share experience with all of you! come on.
Hi,I need lumber
Hi everyone ,I am Jill working in perchasing department of AMwoodworks in ShangHai. We are looking for more White Oak,Red Oak,Cherry and Ash. Pls contact me if you can offer and quote your best *域名隐藏* you.
Make feriends rlated to Peru and Ecuador.
I am a newer in internatioanal trade. My area is Peru and ECUADOR. I don't know to do and I want to make some friends. I will be very appreciate if someone can give me any help.
汕头连通船务有限公司是中国交通部注册的无船承运人之一, 以高效稳定的海内外代理网络,完善的电子信息系统 及年轻敬业的专业人才为依托,成功建立起多元化的业务体系: 海运, 散货拼箱,代理船公司山东烟台。在潮州,揭阳,深圳设有分公司。 我们真诚默默地为客户服务着,安全高效,周到细致是我们的不懈追求。 We are a NVOCC that registered in *域名隐藏* on steady agent network in the world and consummate computer systems ,and young and earnest professional,we found integrated operation system that including FCL,LCL,shipping agenc,air parcel. We silently serve our client,and endless hanker for safe and effective *域名隐藏* a chance to us,we will take confidence to *域名隐藏* expect to cooperate with you
服务范围 (Service Scope) -全球散货直拼箱服务(汕头-深圳-全球各地,汕头-香港-全球各地) -LCL consolidation to everywhere in the world -整柜陆海联运服务(汕头-全球各地,汕头-深圳-全球各地) -World-wide FCL Land-sea service
我们的承诺:决不延误 Our Promises:Never Delay
************************************************************************************************** 汕头连通船务有限公司(潮州办事处)真诚与你合作! 联系人:李先生 MSN:ltk2006@hotmail(dot)com E-mail:ltk2006@21cn(dot)com TEL:+86-768-6898401 FAX:+86-768-6898997 QQ/TM:118156319
Pay attention to me
I'm glad to see all guys who talking here.I'm a newcomer on foreign *域名隐藏* wanna to learn from *域名隐藏* reply me by write.
hi ,Are u ready?
Hi!i'm green gilr My major is businnes english ,hope to make fds & help each other in future. Are u ready? Add me ,if u want. msn:qinqintian@hotmail
Hi, wish you wonderfully!
I am stone, working in an manufacture and export company from wenzhou. I hope to be your good friends in the future not only in business but also our friendship. Pls. contact me . I will reply you soon with pleasure.
Oh, wonderful
Oh, it is very wonderful, It benifits me very much ^^
make friends
I'm Hebei! may I make friend with you!
hi! i ma chinese ! and study now ! can we make a friend ?
CAD:cash against document交单付款,用于买卖双方在合同中达成的支付方式,交单是付款的前提,卖方风险比较大,要仔细考察买方的资信状况。类似的D/A、D/P对卖方来说,风险都是很大的。 D/A:document against acceptant 承兑交单 D/P:document against payment 付款交单 这2种是托收下的2种方式。
i am eric, iam in shenzhen ,i want make a lot of friend from here! my job is international logistics thank u my friends my msn:panda007ok@hotmail(dot)com
Dear guys,now have met a problem and wish anyone who can help me.I wonder if anyone who know the meaning of "CAD GO DAYS"?CAD is for short of "cash against document".If in this payment term,is it safe? If anyone who can help me,please kindly add up my msn:janelhx-7452@hotmail(dot)com It will be much appreciated. Thanks and regards
Make friends
Hey, guys! Nice to meet u. I'm studying International Trade course in Finland. I wish to make friends with you, exchange informations and help each other. If you like, don't hesitate to contact me. :)
gearbox export
very nice to see you. i am working at a gearbox *域名隐藏* you know gearbox? we are dealing with foreign business.i am a newer in the line. www(dot)jujingcd(dot)com(dot)cn
HI,let us make a friend
my work is apply to customs,I am a English learner too,I want to make friends with you and we can talk with each other in English!
我是在上海从事"私人物品运输"和"国际贸易代理" 和货代是合作关系! 跟大家交个朋友! MSN: luyu0117@msn(dot)com
Have a good day everybody!
I am Jessy. working in the factory company,i want make a lot of friend from here!
glad to come here
HI,I am vivian too,i had see some call vivian too.i'm a newer on foreign trade,so i need a lot of help from yours.
make friends
Hi,friends. I'm Jane,a outdoor sals in a technology company.I'm so glad to make friends and share experience with all of *域名隐藏* feel free to contact with me. If anyone who has the need on importing curtain/blinds motors,hope to set up biz relations with you.:)
making friends
Hello, I am vivian,i work in a export company,at the same time, i am also new in foreign trade this line,i hope that we will be friends and learn from each other .
hello!I like to make friend with you
I am a new person in foreign sailing.I would like to realize you.
create biz relationship
hi,i am from German company-hvb ostertag gmbh. we buy FILM FACED PLYWOOD/PLYWOOD/FURNITURE/WOOD PANEL/FLOORING from china and sell European/American logs/lumber like cherry/black walnut/white oak/red oak/maple/ash/beech/alder to china. hope to set up biz relationship with your esteemed firm.
Find friends.
Welcome you to be my friends
I hope to find some English friends. I hope we can be friends to share happiness or saddness.
我是宁波的货代,真诚为您服务,有需要可以联系我 MSN: VINCENTSELL@ *域名隐藏*
Nice to meet u
Here we are.
我来自上海,是一名大学刚毕业的物流管理专业的学生 希望和大家成为朋友:)
serch supplier
hi,i am chinese office of German company-hvb ostertag gmbh. we buy wood products from china and sell European/American logs/lumber to china. hope to set up biz relationship with your esteemed firm.
Nice to meet you !
I am excited to see so many friends here, hope to make friends with you , share our experience.^_^ ^_^
你好:我是来自深圳的 有空可以加我聊聊!!
what is most important
i want to make friends with you and learn from you.i do trade business,and let us discuss this question:what is most important for us?
Welcome you to be my friends
Hello,I am Green Chen,working in a trading company now,but my job is handling the artwork of product,however,i did the merchandiser job in my former company about 3 years,welcome you to be my friends
How do you do?
I am a fresh man here! I want to learn about international trade from all of you! Please kindly make friends with me! Many thanks!
HI, i think we can be friends
i am a salesperson in foreign trade. i hope we can be friends to share experience
I am sam fm qingdao,working in logistics company. help make friends with you here too .
very happy to see you here .hope we can make friends . i am ambitious girl have a dream to gain wonderful life
hello !nice to meet you !
I am Tracy , working in export company . i am hard studying enlish on foreign trade ,help make friends with you here.