


[2005年 7月6日 19 : 13]      评论:[1] | 浏览:[1689]
    Homer: Some of the players you see may make it to the big leaguers.
Bart: What? Aren't we going to see any washed-up major-leaguers?
Homer: Sure! We get a nice mix here.
Lisa: There's no better place to spend a balmy summers' night.
The grass of the outfield, the brick of the infield and the white chalk lines
that divide the man from the boy.
Homer: Lisa, you're forgetting the beer. It comes in 72-ounce tubs.
Marge: Space out the tubs this year.
Homer: What do you mean?
Marge: Last year you got rambunctious and mooned the poor umpire.
Homer: Marge, this ticket doesn't just give me a seat. It also gives me the right, no, the duty to make a complete ass of myself.
Burns: The Gammills! Good to see you.
Mr. G.: You're an inspiration to us in Waste Management.
Burns: Forget about contaminants for one night and have a hot dog.
Put a smile on his card, Smiths.
Mr. S.: Already there, sir.
The Simpsons, sir.
Burns: Well, if it isn't the Simps.
Mr. S.: Oh, the Simpsons, sir.
Burns: Oh, yes. Homer and Marge Simpson. Oh, and these must be Bart, Lisa and “expecting”.
Mr. S.: The card needs to be updated, sir.
Homer: That's okay. The baby's name isn't important. Let's go.

    双面人 | 2005年 7月6日 19 : 20

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    Hi, 大家好!欢迎光临“忧郁蓝菲儿”,它会带给你不同的感觉,“感觉”自己说了很多遍,也许已经是一个陈词滥调了,但我却依然被它吸引,每天都过着感觉的生活,用感觉做事,甚至用感觉去判断人!有时候真希望自己是一个没感觉的人,那时的我会是什么样呢?思考着------
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